- Published in Comunicados
In the Political Guidelines, President von der Leyen announced that the Commission will set up a comprehensive European rule of law mechanism covering all Member States, with objective annual reporting by the European Commission[1]. In July 2019, the Commission adopted its Communication on Strengthening the rule of law within the Union - a blueprint for action, setting out some of the features of such a mechanism[2]. The first annual Rule of Law Report is one of the major initiatives of the Commission’s Work Programme for 2020. The new European rule of law mechanism will act as a preventive tool, deepening dialogue and joint awareness of rule of law issues.
In the preparation of the annual Rule of Law Report, the Commission will rely on a diversity of relevant
sources, including input to be received from Member States, country visits, and stakeholders’ contributions.
In order to facilitate the appropriate involvement of stakeholders, the Commission is inviting stakeholders to
provide written contributions to the Report through this targeted consultation. The objective is to feed the
assessment of the Commission with factual information on developments on the ground in the Member